How We Started


In the Spring of 2014, Lyndsee launched The Boxes of Love Project and was met with an incredible outpouring of support from the community!  Money and clothing donations began pouring in, and in a few short weeks, the first box was assembled and delivered. It is the mission of The Boxes of Love Project to make sure these babies and children know that they are special, they are valued, they matter, and most importantly, they are loved.  The boxes help to provide the children with a small sense of comfort, control, security, and happiness during an incredibly scary and tumultuous time in their lives. Please join us in our effort to provide some of the most vulnerable children in our community with a little bit of love, hope and joy!

The Boxes of Love Project is a grassroots effort to provide babies and children entering foster care from local hospitals with a large box of new clothing, pajamas, shoes and other comfort items to call their own…A Box of Love.  The project was started by a local pediatric nurse in response to seeing the shocking number of babies and children who enter the foster care system with literally nothing other than the clothes on their backs.  After adopting her own son in May 2014 (after she and her husband fostered him for two years), Lyndsee Wunn knew that she had to do something to change the way that so many children enter the foster care system.

Our Mission

We partner with local area hospitals to provide babies and children being discharged from the hospital into foster care with a Box of Love.

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Our Founder

Lyndsee Wunn is a registered nurse at Randall Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon, where she specializes in pediatric oncology.  Lyndsee and her husband, Geoffrey, who is a pediatric critical care nurse at the same hospital, fostered their youngest son for two years prior to adopting him in May, 2014.  Outside of work and running The Boxes of Love Project, Lyndsee enjoys going to movies, shopping, trying new Portland restaurants and spending time with her family.  She lives in Troutdale, Oregon with her husband and two young sons.